BIOL 3250: Ecology & Evolution
An introduction to major topics in ecology and evolution, including population, community, and ecosystem ecology; Darwinian theory of evolution through natural selection; microevolution and macroevolution. Computer and field labs will provide exposure to both evolutionary theory and field ecology. Offered Fall and Spring semesters.
BIOL 4000/6000: Field methods in Ornithology
The purpose of this course is to explore methods in field ornithology used to ask questions of avian biology, ecology, and behavior. Students will learn various techniques such as how to identify birds by sight and sound, mist net and band birds, safe handling practices, point counts, line transects, keeping a field notebook, taking behavioral observations of wild birds, and working with data. Offered during Summer I.
BIOL 6010: Science Writing & Communication
A workshop and project-oriented course in scientific writing and communication. The primary focus is on drafting a Master’s thesis in the style of a peer-reviewed journal article. Enrolling students must have a research project or proposal advanced enough to be written up as part of the course activity, and must be willing to share drafts with classmates. Class and lab/recitation sessions will consist of a combination of traditional lecture and active learning. In addition to writing their thesis, students will be exposed to other skills necessary for writing success, such as using a citation manager, production of publication-ready figures in R Program Software, self-editing techniques, and addressing revision requests.